Sunday 1 May 2016

The Church of St. Laurence - or Tarting-up MDF part two

Issue 84 of Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy - May/June 2016 includes an article written by me called The Church of St Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon, Building a Saxon Church. The article/tutorial carries on from my earlier published article - Tarting-up MDF, (for details see this link) and again uses a simple MDF kit from Timeline Miniatures - The Saxon Church (see below).

Obviously, I couldn't build the 'stock' model and set about carving detail in to the MDF surfaces, re-modelling one of the side buildings and completely re-building the stone roof.

The painting used the original church for inspiration, as Sue and I had been lucky enough to visit the church while on a visit to Bath. I have included this Wiki link to show the original building which is well worth a visit if you are ever in the area.

The base was re-worked and I have added some scatter, ground foam and static grass to decorate it.

For full details of the build and to see how I painted the model, please support Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy and pick up a copy of this magazine today.

Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy



  1. That's a nice looking church! Like it!


  2. That's bloomin' fabulous, Tony. Fantastic work!

  3. I've read the article and have the building myself, your treatment is a real inspiration!
