Sunday 26 June 2016

Away-Day haul

Sue and I have had another weekend away, this time a trip around the Cotswolds. We started out from Droitwich yesterday morning, then down the M5 and across to Cirencester. From there we drove down to Swindon via Lechlade where we spent the night. On Sunday morning it was a quick trip across to Swindon Village and then back north again via Lechlade on to Burford and then to Stow before making our way back to Worcestershire.

We had a great couple of days away and I took lots of photos of both buildings and stonework. Here you can see my model making haul. Rust coloured dusting powders, a Roman thimble (I thought I could use it as a cauldron), some not-Snakebite Leather acrylic paint, olde dice, drill bits and a scribbler.

Total spend less than £16.00.

I'll keep you informed of how I use them.



  1. I'm intrigued - what are the metallic looking suppositories??? :o)

  2. "I'm intrigued - what are the metallic looking suppositories??? :o)"

    This is the container that the small drill bits came in.

