Saturday 18 June 2016

The Art of Lone Wolf by Gary Chalk

Regular readers of this Blog will know that for many, many years I have been an admirer of the illustrator Gary Chalk. I have seen his artwork in Games Workshop publications, various games and the Redwall books. Sometime during 2015 I became aware of a new project; Lone Wolf - the board game, for details see this link. As part of the Kickstarter there were plans for an illustrated book of Gary Chalk artwork and I decided to support the project. Unfortunately there have been some issues with fulfilling all of the stretch goals and the book has not yet been produced (insider information suggests that it will now not be produced, which is a real pity).

Not to be put off I saw this separate book - The Art of Lone Wolf again by Gary and thought it was worth checking out. I got my book from the publisher.

The book is produced by Greywood Publishing and includes most if not all of the original artwork from the Lone Wolf series. The 203 pages are packed full of black and white illustration, some just simple footnotes or page fillers, others fully detailed battle scenes, all in all a great walk down memory lane for someone who collected and played these Fighting Fantasy gamebooks and the earlier Fantasy Warlords wargame rules.

There were many illustrations that were known to me, but also some that were new. I've enjoyed browsing the illustrations. There are even a few that have got my scratch-building juices flowing - you never know this maybe just the push I was looking for.

I would recommend the book as a great piece of reference work, thank you Greywood Publishing for taking the risk to produce such a niche book. However I would have liked a bit of history, some context, maybe even a comment by the great man himself.

The book is 234mm x 155mm wide, slightly larger than the original Lone Wolf books.

The Art of Lone Wolf by Gary Chalk
Published by Greywood Publishing in 2015 and reprinted in 2016
203 pages of black and white illustrations
ISBN 978 1 326 43796 1
RRP £19.99 ($30.00)

Available via the internet, but prices do vary.



  1. What source did you get the book from? I'm reluctant to order from Greywood Publishing due to the most recent comments on the Kickstarter page.

  2. "What source did you get the book from? I'm reluctant to order from Greywood Publishing due to the most recent comments on the Kickstarter page."

    My copy came from Greywood Publishing, however I understand your reluctance. You could just as easily search on e-bay.


  3. I have this book. The printing is not the best but having the wolderful art of Chalk is.

  4. "How can I get a copy?

    Sorry - I don't know.....

    The book is hyper rare and even when I have seen it for sale the cost is prohibitive.

    Try Ebay?

