Friday 2 September 2016

Making More Hay - Miniature Wargames 401

Henry has published part two of my model haymaking project first seen in Miniature Wargames issue 392. This model is of a covered haystack, a novel (but reasonable common) design that kept the hay off the ground by supporting it on a raised platform, with a movable roof section that could be raised or lowered as the hay was stored or used.

The design was inspired by a lithograph print found on the internet. Full details of construction and painting can be found on pages 50, 51 and 52 of this months Miniature Wargames with Battlegames - issue 401 September 2016.

Details of the earlier and more primitive haystacks can be found here.

The magazine also includes a terrain building article by Diane Sutherland in which she builds some rock outcrops using bits of natural cork - a project that I have been planning on doing for some years.

Full details of Miniature Wargames with Battlegames can be found here.
