Thursday 27 October 2016

Book Three - where are we?

Work on Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No.3 - Title still to be Confirmed is progressing slowly as other more pressing commissions and magazine article keep pushing it back. My daughter has agree to do the main editing and I have promised her a first draft prior to Christmas. I may pass on one chapter at a time as this suits me and should make the job a little easier. The planned production date of March/April or Easter 2017 remains a realistic target so look out for further updates on the Blog. Hopefully I can get a mock-up cover done before Christmas.

Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No.2 More Wargame Terrain - the Purple cover is nearly sold out, just one perfect copy left - any takers? See link to the right for more details of how to order.

I do have some 'seconds' in the garage which means should anyone get in touch wanting a copy, I can supply a few more.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for the information.
    I am excited to see the cover of n°3
