Monday 10 October 2016

St Fagans National History Museum

I had booked the car into Cheltenham Fiat for the replacement of some front suspension mounts and had arranged to have a loan car for the day. At the very last minute Sue was not able to come and so I decided that I would be selfish and have the day at St Fagans National History Museum, Cardiff, something I had been planning to do for some time.

I had most of the day on the site and enjoyed both taking pictures and sketching detail.

It has been many years since I last visited St Fagans. The museum is being upgraded and there is a lot of building work either going on or planned. I would therefore suggest that if you are looking for an out-door day out, St Fagans would be great, the larger museum and indoor exhibits will need a little more time before they are ready.

The first set of images show St Teilo's Church - which is one of the newer exhibits (at least new to me - since my last visit) and which has some absolutely beautiful wall murals in an early Christian style.

Obviously, I took loads f photos.

And had a great day meeting some of the volunteers and exploring the exhibits. I have to say that the volunteers are a great source of information. Thank you.

For more details see this link.


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