Wednesday 9 November 2016

Away-Day - Birmingham November 25th 2016

I have written on previous occasions about how I try to have an Away-Day at Parabellum, Birmingham at least once a year and usually around Christmas - 2016 will be no different.

This years Away-Day will be Friday 25th November and like earlier ones. I promise to bring the cakes!

I have sent out e-mail, but if you were missed off the list please excuse me as things have been a bit hectic recently.

I plan on being at Parabellum around 11.30 - 12.00 and although this is an informal meeting, I can at least offer great banter, cakes and (if Mark and Rich agree) mugs of tea.

Hopefully this gives everyone enough notice - see you there.


54 Vyse Street
B18 6HR

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