Friday 2 December 2016

Book Three - where are we and update.

Images of the completed Damaged Tower House - one of the models to feature in book three

I have agreed to exhibit at the Alumwell or WMMS on Sunday, March 12th 2017 - see this post. Having made this decision it then followed that I would like to have Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No 3 - Models for Wargamers published and ready for sale by this date.

Over the last month I have been working every hour I have spare to get the images and text ready for proof-reading and editing. I can now announce that the text and images are now completed and within the next week, I will be passing the files over to my Daughter, Holly who has once again agreed to do the editing and get the book ready for publication.

Hopefully I will have more details very soon, but for now this is the plan for Book Three - Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No 3;

A4 size
Card Cover
Over 110 pages
8 model based chapters
Approximately 40,000 words
Approximately 300 full colour images

My plan is to produce Book Three in limited numbers with the first 100 books being signed and numbered, as the previous two books.

I would expect the cost to be a little higher than the earlier two and postage to be about 10% - 12% higher. But as stated above, more details very soon.



  1. Looking forward to seeing the book come out Tony!

  2. Lovely work on that building Tony!

    As for the book prices, I think that's totally forgivable. Sign me up for one, that's for sure!

  3. I've got your first 2 books and looking forward to adding number 3 to the shelf!

  4. Great news, Tony! Please reserve a copy for me.

  5. I am looking forward to this! Put me down for a copy :)
