Sunday 12 March 2017

West Midlands Military Show 2017 Alumwell

Sue and I are now home from a very busy and enjoyable day out at the WMMS, Alumwell where I exhibited some of my scratch-built models and launched Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 3 - Models For Wargamers book.

Image One - Sue volunteered to help out and had a great deal to do with the way the table was laid out.

Image Two - The right hand side of the table.

Image Three - The left hand side.

Image Four - The centre.

Image Five - The three helpers, Sue, Holly and Flo.

Thank you to everyone who popped by and a big vote of thanks to those who purchased a book (or two). I have commented in the past how much I enjoy this show not only for the fantastic displays and demonstrations but also for the friendly atmosphere and warm welcome.

I should also point out that copies of the signed and numbered Models For Wargamers books are selling out quickly. For details of how to order your own copy, please go to this link.



  1. I would love to see all of those models in person... too bad I am in Australia! ;)

  2. "I would love to see all of those models in person..."

    Obviously, being in Australia is a little bit of a problem, but should you ever want additional (and high resolution images) of any of the models, just e-mail me.

    I can't promise images of every model, but if there was one or two you really wanted to see in a larger format, I can send them to you as attachments.

    There was a time last year when I was thinking of producing a calendar with the larger images of the finished terrain, Cost was an issue and it never got off the ground.

