Friday 7 April 2017

Models For Wargamers - the first review

Earlier today I was directed to this post over on Wargames and Railroads, a Blog written by Kris Marquardt a long-time supported of my 'how-to' articles and guides. The Blog post is a review (the first review as far as I am aware) of Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 3 - Models For Wargamers.

Should you like what you see - there are still copies of Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 2 - More Wargame Terrain and obviously copies of the latest publication Models For Wargamers available, for details of how to order your own copies, please go to this link.

It is fair to say that Kris's previous comments about Guide No. 1 and Guide No. 2 have helped to improve the presentation and content of Guide No. 3 as well as magazine articles that I have had published.

Thank you Kris. I am glad that you enjoyed the most recent book.



  1. My pleasure Tony. I just want to know when you will be starting #4, 😁

  2. "I just want to know when you will be starting #4, 😁"

    I'm already working on the next book. It has been commissioned by Pen and Sword, the publishers and I should have more information very soon.

    Once again thank you. You have a great way with words, I've enjoyed reading your review.

