Friday 5 May 2017

Hundreds of Role Playing Guides and Books for sale

Earlier today, Sue and I decided to visit Harborne, Birmingham. We needed to do some general shopping and drop off a bag of donations to the local charity shop.

When in Harborne, I like to visit the Oxfam Charity Bookshop on the High Street, but on this occasion left without buying anything (which is unusual for me). As I stood outside, Sue pointed out this notice which was displayed in the shop window. As you can imagine, I promptly went back in and asked to see the manager.....

I was told that there had been a huge donation of Role Playing books and guides donated to the shop by two women and that the number of books meant that they could not be displayed in the store. I wasn't expecting what happened next but the manager asked if I would like to see them. I think you know the answer to that question.....

Upstairs I was shown literally hundreds of Role Playing and gaming books from the usual Dungeons and Dragons and GURPs to many titles I was not familiar with. The books range in price from £10.00 to £40.00 and I can confirm that they are indeed in perfect condition, if you are in the area the store is well worth a visit.

The sheer number of books means that it is unlikely they will be catalogued or listed one-by-one, however the store is worth contacting if you are interested in rare or obscure gaming books.

Details of the store are;
  Oxfam Book Shop
  171 High Street,
  B17 9QE

Or use this link

You can contact the manager, Julian on 0121 4274784. I have told Julian that I will be posting details and he is very happy for me to do so.

Good luck.


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