Saturday 19 August 2017

An Industrial Narrow Gauge Adventure - test #4

The second sculpt - another figure or workman in dungarees.

Image One - The figure was converted from another 1/24th scale plastic figure bought from e-bay. Here you see the finished sculpt alongside the original donor figure.

Image Three - After smoothing out the Green Stuff and Milliput, I painted the figure with some GW liquid Green Stuff before undercoating with grey acrylic paint.

Image Four - The flesh areas were built up over Snakebite Leather.

Image Five - The white shirt was painted over Stonewall Grey from Vallejo, then highlighted with Dead White.

Image Six - The workman from the rear showing how the work clothes were sculpted.

Image Seven - The first and second test figures alongside one another. They stand between 63mm and 65mm tall or around 5' 8'' - 5' 10'' in 1:27.7 (11mm = 1 foot).

I have to admit that sculpting these test figures is very therapeutic. I would expect to do more, many more.....



  1. Fantastic conversion, a real nice original figure you did make!

  2. Because of this I have pulled out an old railroad modeler magazine that featured an early small layout by John Olsen (Railroad Modeler, January 1974, vol 4 #1). I'm seriously thinking of recreating this layout on On30. The original version of this was the end of the line of the Sagatucket River RR. It's more of a switching puzzle and I think my On30 equipment would be perfect for this.

  3. Hi Kris,

    I am aware of the 'Switching Puzzle' layouts and have been thinking about reproducing one for my own shelf layout. However I don't think I'll have enough room.

    My plan is to upload some of the layout designs I have been working on soon.

