Tuesday 15 August 2017

Julius Caesar at the RSC

Sue and I were treated to a very special treat yesterday, Holly had bought tickets to see a performance of Julius Caesar at the RSC, Stratford-upon-Avon. In addition we had a complimentary pre-performance tour and at the end of the second act we were invited to a question and answer seminar with the director and cast.

The performance was a very special and one-off integrated British Sign language performance where the signer is not off to one side (as is usual) but integrated into the cast and playing alongside the actors. As one member of the audience commented "it was like seeing the actors soul."

A very special treat and quite a different experience from the last time I saw Julius Caesar at the RSC, back in 1995 when I was invited to attend as a guest of Courvousier Cognac.


Sue and Holy are both experienced signers and currently awaiting their BSL Level 3 results.

Both Sue and Holly have passed their BSL level 3 exam - CONGRATULATION.....

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