Monday 9 October 2017

Much Ado About Nothing at the Globe Theatre in London

On Sunday 8th of October, Holly met up with Sue and I to see a performance of Much Ado About Nothing at the Globe Theatre in London. This was the first time that Sue and I had visited the Globe Theatre and were we in for a treat.

I am not ashamed to say that on entering the theatre there was a 'lump in my throat', this really is a very special building and experience, then the performance! One of the most spectacular Shakespeare plays I have ever seen (and trust me I've seen many) with parts that were 'laugh out loud' funny and others that were 'tear to the eye' moving. On the way back to catch the train home I was amazed to realise that we had been in the theatre for over three hours, the time just flew by. The setting of the play was in Revolutionary Mexico with a Santa Fe boxcar as the backdrop and actors dressed in typical Mexican dress complete with crossed bandoleers and huge Mexican sombreros. Although at first this was a little off-putting withing minutes the core of the play took over and I felt this unusual setting actually added to the experience. The performance was a signed performance for the deaf or hard of hearing and the BSL translator did a great job in both translating and at times adding to the performance - at the end of the play Sue, Holly and I were able to speak to her and congratulate her on the BSL translation.

A big fat 10 out of 10 from me.

Here is the official link for more information;
The Globe 2017


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