Tuesday 7 November 2017

An Industrial Narrow Gauge Adventure - the layout part nine

At long last, the Salt Pan base is fully clad. I have used brick slips from an e-bay supplier called Minaco-streamline101. The slips are intended for 1:24th scale dolls houses and so I had to trim each individual brick by about 2mm to get a correct 1:27.7 scale brick.

The black/dark grey bricks were standard red bricks painted with acrylic paints. The wooden clad area to the lower, front right was modelled from green foam and the filled arch to the right side was modelled with DAS modelling clay over PVA glue and painted with acrylics.

The roughly made wooden door and support were modelled from more green foam and detailed with both plastic card and plastic rod.

The brick slips were a real pain to apply one-at-a-time and in truth, I'm not that impressed with them. They still look a little 'toy like' to me.


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