Wednesday 1 November 2017

Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar 2016

Following closely on the heels of yesterdays Blog post, Craig Andrews of Orcs in the Webbe has uploaded all of the 2016 Advent Calendar to the site, for full details follow this link.

I should also add that Craig will be looking for content for the 2017 Advent Calendar soon. If you are interested in supplying a story or scenario, follow the links to Orcs in the Webbe.

Obviously I will be supplying at least one story for the 2017 Advent and look forward to seeing what Craig has to offer.


Q. What is the Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar?

A. 25 daily updates in the run up to Christmas offering a free article, story or scenario for the featured games of Flintloque, Pax Bochemannica and Panzerfauste each day.

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