Tuesday 5 December 2017

Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar - day five

Image 'borrowed' from Orcs in the Webbe

Day five of this years Advent and a short story written by me. The Pyjama Pilferer, featuring 'Trickie Dickie' in a couple of adventures.

The character of Foul-Mouth Freddy is based on a family friend. In addition most of the 'Posse' are also based on colourful personalities - friends of my father. This year the last of these characters 'Dickie' passed away and I thought it a fitting tribute to break with tradition and feature a story about Trickie-Dickie rather than Foul-Mouth Freddy. I hope that you enjoy it.

Full details can be found here.

Rest in peace and thank you for all the great stories.

Additional story stories and gaming scenarios featuring Foul-Mouth Freddy can be found here.


NB. Free prize draw see this post for details.

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