Friday 19 January 2018

Book Treasures and where to find them - part one Cornell Books

Back in early 2017 I read a short magazine article called 'Where Bookworms browse for buried treasure' and ever since I have wanted to write a Blog entry detailing some of the second-hand book shops that I frequent. With nearly a year passed since I first set myself this target I think it is time I started.

Bookworms part one.

Cornell Books of Tewkesbury, Glos. is housed in this grand old building that was once The Wheatsheaf (or Ye Olde Wheatsheaf), 132 High Street, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 5JR. It is a typical old school second-hand book store with racks of books from floor to ceiling, boxes of books awaiting sorting and even a bargain table where many books are discounted to just £1.00. The shop specialises in maps and the back room can be a treasure trove of old maps and guides. For me there are a couple of areas of interest.

Firstly there are shelves stacked with Railway books, a Military section and even a couple of old boxes filled with D&D magazines. Then we have the discount table at the front of the store (The Dining Room) as well as further discounted books on display out front (see image above) and in the stone lined alleyway to the side. I have picked up many magazines and book bargains, but as with all second-hand book stores it is the browsing that is the real pleasure.

I would give this shop a 4 Star (out of five) Bookworm rating, but advise anyone visiting the area to allow themselves some time to explore this treasure trove.

Finally there is a second-hand charity store just a few doors away called Bookworm which is also worth a visit.

For more information please see this link and this link.


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