Monday 26 February 2018

Cold Weather - again

The recent Siberian linked cold snap has meant that I have not been able to visit the shed-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden. I have tried to keep Blog post numbers up, but with no modelling work being carried out everything has once again come to a complete standstill. I don't know if it is an age thing, but I am finding that this winter has effected my modelling output more than any I can remember.

Hopefully Spring will see some warmer weather and more visits to the shed.

I should point out that apart from updating the Blog, most of my modelling activity takes place in the shed at the bottom of the garden and with the current cold spell this has been most uncomfortable.



  1. Keep up the research, sketching, and idea building! There's a lot you can do on the sofa or kitchen table. Chin up, here in the states, it stays cold long enough we can't use our sheds and have to resort to a space in the basement.

  2. Ok you can use the kitchen table, no smelly glue please. X

  3. I was reading about the Eric the Shed's new sheds elsewhere and he was saying his were insulated - could you do the same? Then with the addition of a cheap fan heater away you go!

  4. "I was reading about the Eric the Shed's new sheds elsewhere and he was saying his were insulated - could you do the same? Then with the addition of a cheap fan heater away you go!"

    I could insulate the shed, but as it is already over ten years old, I'm not sure it would be worth it now. If I'd done it when it was new, I think this might have been the way forward.

