Tuesday 20 February 2018

Hereford away-day

Sue and I had our first away-day of 2018 - a visit to Hereford where I was allowed to browse the charity book shops before going for a Thai meal. I was disappointed not to find anything that I wanted to purchase and with my birthday coming up next month Sue was searching for something to buy for me.

On the way back to Droitwich we stopped off in St Johns (a district of Worcester) and I saw a copy of the John Blanche and Ian Miller book Ratspike in the Daisychain charity book store (a book shop that has many second-hand bargain and is well worth a visit if you are in the area). At £30.00 it was a little too expensive (even for a birthday gift) but at least I got to look through the illustrations before making our way home after a great day out.

Hopefully there will be more successful away-days later in the year.


Daisychain Benevolent Fund Bookshop
37 - 39 St. Johns

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