Thursday 15 March 2018

An Industrial Narrow Gauge Adventure - the layout part twenty-eight

Following on from the earlier posts here you can see my initial blanking-in and first attempts at modelling the low-relief back scene building that is based on The Lion Works, Cheshire.

The black area are 3mm thick plastic card (ex-advertising material) or thick card while the wooden areas are scratch-built from balsawood, coffee stirrers or scrap wood which was first textured with the teeth of a razorsaw or by rubbing rough sandpaper along the grain.

In the image below you can also see one of my main modifications to the pizza foam brick wall. I have added a metal clad door which was build from plastic card. I felt the plain brick wall needed something to break up the uniformity of plain red bricks and in truth it was to hide the join in the pizza foam. The metal clad door was copied from an image I found on the Internet.

The small white marks on the impressed brick work are painted on acrylic texture medium used to clean up some of the impressed bricks and the areas on the corners of the building have been further defined with DAS modelling clay.

At this moment there is still a great deal of work to do on the surface texturing, but for now, I am happy with the progress. For larger images just 'click; on the main photos.


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