Monday 19 March 2018

West Midlands Military Show, Alumwell

Both Sue and I attended the West Midlands Military Show - Alumwell Wargamers show in Wolverhampton yesterday.

At the outset we were aware that there was an Amber Weather Warning and as we drove up the M5, I can confirm that we had our doubts as to whether we were doing the right thing and discussed turning around and heading back home a number of times. However once we were off the motorways and on the clearing A roads the traffic and conditions improved.

We arrived well in time for the opening to the sight of many volunteers clearing the snow from the main carparks. By opening time I had with the help of Ryan set up the display - actually taking an extra table as you can see from the image above.

As you would expect there were a number of exhibitors and trade stands that did not make it and the adverse weather had a similar effect on the number of visitors, but as usual, the Alumwell Wargames Group made everyone feel welcome and with the one condition that it did seem a little quiet I felt the show was a great success.

On the exit to the show, I took this image to show that even at 3.30 PM the weather was still having a negative effect.

The following (limited) images show some of the exhibitions and model displays that took my interest.

I would like to thank everyone who helped to get this show up and running and would hope that all of the visitors had a good time and got home safe. I'm sorry to say that I did not spend that much, coming away with only second-hand magazines and some modelling supplies, but I look forward to next year when I would hope the weather and numbers of visitors will be better.



  1. Thank you for your kind comments about the Show. At 6:30am we had severe doubts that that enough traders/gamers would make it to make it viable. But thee plucky British spirit won through and it turned into quite a nice Show with a good atmosphere.

    David Jarman

  2. Good to know the weather didn't put off the stalwarts, did consider traveling up from Buckinghamshire but thought it too far given the conditions. Well done to you both
