Friday 6 April 2018

An Industrial Narrow Gauge Adventure - the layout part thirty-three

These latest images show the progression so far on this low-relief, back scene building for my small shelf layout. The model is built to the rather unusual scale of 1/27.7 or 11mm = 1 foot which represents 18 inch narrow gauge running on standard HO-OO or 16.5mm Peco Crazy Track. For more details see the Narrow Gauge or 1/27.7 labels to the right. Or browse the earlier Industrial Narrow Gauge Adventure headings.

Since the last post, I have painted the exposed wooden panels and the black tar paper covering. The wooden sections were individually painted with acrylic paints following some tutorials found on the Internet showing worn and decaying wood while the tar paper has been painted in off-black colours with some streaking.

In the final image you can see the exposed wooden structure in greater detail. The technique I have used is to paint the wooden structure in watered down acrylic paints, drybrush the exaggerated wood grain and then use washes to highlight the sculpting. Extra colour was added with watercolour pencils which are sharpened to a very fine point - a slow and laborious process but one that I feel portrays exposed wood in a very realistic manner. The external telephone bell was copied from another image found on the Internet. It is scratch-built from sections of plastic rod and thick plastic card. The wiring is fusewire.

The next job will be to paint the wooden stays or supports that hold the tar paper in place and painting the fibreboard roofing panels.


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