Monday 16 April 2018

Book Treasures and where to find them - part three Sedgeberrow Books, Pershore

Continuing with this series of recommendations, I present one of my favourite book stores; Sedgeberrow Books, Pershore, a secondhand and new book store that is situated in the pleasant market town of Pershore, Worcestershire.

The rather narrow frontage hides the fact that this shop stretches back some distance and contains what I believe to be the largest secondhand aviation and military book selection in the Midlands. The aviation section in particular is simply breathtaking with floor to ceiling shelves crammed full of unique and very hard to find aviation book titles in many different languages. The Military and Naval shelves are equally packed with a similar selection while to the front of the store there are shelves upon shelves of railway books. Please be aware that there are both secondhand and new publications intermixed and on display.

It is rare that I visit the shop and don't come away with some rare or unusual treasure. I give this very special shop a 5 Bookworms out of 5 and recommend Pershore as a great day out, particularly during The Pershore Plum Festival in August.

Sedgeberrow Books can be found at;
25 High Street
WR10 1AA

01386 751830



  1. One of my faves too, I have to quickly walk past as my bookshelves are groaning. Have you tried Henry’s in Upton?

  2. "Have you tried Henry’s in Upton?"

    Yes I have - a great cafe bookshop that I am planning on visiting again once the weather improves.

