Monday 7 May 2018

Amour at the Abbey - Tewkesbury Abbey May 2018

Earlier today, Sue and I had an away-day at Tewkesbury Abbey. Over the Bank Holiday weekend there was an exhibition showing life in Plantagenet Tewkesbury, in anticipation of The Battle of Tewkesbury weekend to come in July. For details see this post.

Here are some of the many images I took of the day, a glorious day when we picnicked in the grounds and saw re-enactors giving demonstrations of archery and dressing a knight. The cannon is a beautiful reproduction designed to fire blanks (although I was assured that it could also fire live rounds).

This table showed some of the many arrows and archers equipment on display. I tried to pull back the hand-made bow and failed miserably!

These images of the displayed armour were laid out for the pubic to touch and wear while the dressing of the knight was a real eye opener. The knight who weighed 14 stone when in his under garments was suitable impressive when his extra 6 stone of armour was added. I should point out that Tewksbury as an Abbey and one that once saw considerable blood shed does not allow edged weapons to be exhibited inside the Abbey. So this knight would have also needed to carry his sword, shield and possibly poleaxe as well!

It was not all armour as can be seen in this image. A minstrel playing a reproduction fiddle. A five string fiddle made for the musician following illustrations from a German cathedral.

I'm quite sure that the sunny weather had a lot to do with it, but this was a very special day out.
