Wednesday 29 August 2018

An Industrail Narrow Gauge Adventure - Adding Clutter part twenty-five

Regular followers of this Blog will know that I have been working on an industrial narrow gauge railway layout built to 1:27.7 scale or 11mm = 1 foot. The choice of such an unusual scale has meant that much if not all items needed for the layout have had to be heavily modified and/or converted from existing models, completely 'scratch built' or sculpted by me.

In a series of clutter themed posts which are planned to run throughout August I will demonstrate what materials I have used to model such items and how I have painted these various pieces of 'clutter' which will at some stage be added to the finished layout.

Another post of bits and pieces. From left to right they are; scaffold pole bases. I had seen these at a local building site and thought that they were worth modelling. They are used as bases for the scaffold and are simple metal plates with an upright pole or spike that fits into the bottom of the poles. They were made from plastic card and plastic rod. The thinner poles/tubes are plastic tubing, while the thicker pole/tube is from the barrel of a pen. The cider bottle to the rear was 'turned' on a Black and Decker hand drill from a section of plastic rod while the square section rod to the front was a section of plastic coat hanger. Finally we have a metal fitting which was cut from a KNEX building toy. Most were painted in the Vallejo Color Charred Brown and Hot Orange mix detailed in earlier posts then varnished with matt varnish.


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