Saturday 27 October 2018

Wargames Terrain & Buildings - update

The latest news out of Pen & Sword is that this book Wargames, Terrain & Buildings - The Napoleonic Wars written by me will be available for early 2019. It is listed at £14.99 but is currently available as a pre-order for the discounted price of just £11.99. For full details see this link. I am looking forward to seeing hard copies.

Wargames, Terrain & Buildings - The Napoleonic Wars by Tony Harwood
Published by Pen & Sword
List price £14.99
ISBN 9781526716392
Note due soon (updated 29.01.19)

I can also confirm that book two in the series; Wargame, Terrain & Buildings - North Africa is currently with the editor and we should be seeing details soon.

I will keep the Blog updated as details are confirmed.


Pen & Sword update
Meeples and Miniatures post
Amazon update
TMP link

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