Monday 7 January 2019

Were-Chickens Coop

This particular model was first featured on the Blog back in October 2012 and was originally included as a Halloween Special on Barking Irons Online. Since then BIO has been closed down and a number of these tutorial have been lost. I have included some work-in-progress shots of the construction of this small chicken coop but have to admit to not having any painted images. Sorry.

For details of the original post see this link.

Construction started with some corrugated cardboard profiles.

Which were glued together with my hot-glue gun.

This was then clad with thinner card.

The building was further detailed with strips of textured lolli-pop sticks which were glued in place with superglue.

Detailing was done with more lolli-pop sticks and some scrap balsawood.

The small door was built from even more lolli-pop sticks.

While the roof was 'tiled' with wider strips of coloured lolli-pop sticks.

The building was raised on a balsawood base and some balsawood legs.

Before being added to an oval of 3mm thick plastic card.

The step to the front was constructed from more balsawood.

I built up the groundwork with DAS modelling clay before adding more texture from sieved stones and sand, applied over PVA glue.

Painting followed my usual dark basecoat and lighted drybrushing style before details were painted with watered-down acrylic paints and washes.

After the model was varnished, I added some green dyed sawdust or railway scatter to decorate the base. The two chickens were picked up some years ago following a holiday in Spain.

I no longer own this particular model. I gifted it to Roger Wilcox (a fellow member of the Notables - Flintloque Yahoo Group). For even more information see this link.

I hope you enjoy seeing this 'lost' tutorial on this Blog.
