Thursday 21 February 2019

The Pumpkin Patch - part two painting

Following on from my earlier post The Pumpkin Patch - part one construction, here I show how I painted this simple piece of Flintloque themed terrain.

The groundwork was painted in a custom-mix of Beasty Brown and Charred Brown from Vallejo then drybrushed with a slightly lighter mix of the same colour. The small section of stone wall was painted in muted grey, drybrushed with Beasty Brown to show the texture and blend it into the ground colour.

The green scrub was painted in various greens, starting with a dark green and subsequently highlighting up to a yellow-green to show the texturing of the man-made foliage used to model the scrub.

I picked out odd stones in grey which were highlighted with white.

Then 'washed' the whole base with Games Workshop Sepia and Black washes to exaggerate the sculpted detail.

The pumpkins were painted orange. I started with a brown-orange base, then Hot Orange from Vallejo and highlighted with yellow mixed with the Hot Orange before adding a small green stalk to each one.

Finally, I added some dyed sawdust or Railway Modelling flock to the edges of the base (something I do to all my terrain pieces as my gaming board is covered in the same material).

The small sign was a late addition - modelled from some scrap wood I had in my spares box. I might add some writing in the future - but for now I will leave it plain.

I have also superglued some clumps of green foam to the base for variety and to add colour.

The final image shows a Flintloque Rifleorc alongside to give an idea of the size of this simple piece of terrain.



  1. Pumpkin patches aren't something that I think I'll ever need in the games that I play, but I still like what you've created. A really great terrain feature, well done!

    As a side note, if you wanted a rotten looking pumpkin patch then you could stop after the first couple of photos....that looked pretty convincing. An unintended consequence of the project I'm sure, but it's a cool accident nonetheless :)
