Sunday 10 March 2019

West Midlands Military Show 2019

After an early start, Sue and I arrived at The West Midlands Military Show around 8.45 and I proceeded to carry in all the bits for the display. Unlike last year when the snow had such an impact on the attendance, this year there were lots of customers waiting for the 10.00 entry.

We had a great time at what I believe is one of the friendliest shows on the circuit and I was able to display both the new Pen & Sword book Wargames Terrain and Buildings The Napoleonic Wars which arrived with me yesterday and show off all of the models that feature in the book.

For details of how you can order a copy at the introductory price of just £11.99 see this link. Please note that I am not selling this book via my Blog. If you want a copy please go to the Pen & Sword Web page.

Sue took this photo of me with the very first copy.

And here you can see Sue 'manning' the stand while I took time to browse the other exhibits and spend my pocket money.

Here you can see the length of the table, showing models for sale, models from my three earlier self-published books, a display of the P&S models and finally some models that have featured in various modelling and wargaming magazines.

Below you can see some of the photos I took at this years show.

We had a great time at the show.


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