Tuesday 30 April 2019

Two Sailing Yachts

Sue and I decided to have a morning shopping in Malvern and amongst other things I bought myself this pair of model sailing yachts.

They were bought from a local charity store and as the assistant was putting them out on the shelf, I asked how much they were and was surprised to hear just how cheap they were.....

They are so large that we could not fit them in a bag/bags and I ended up walking around the town centre with one under each arm. They are each 500mm long and 850mm tall. Originally they were remote control, but the remote was missing from each and I will sail them as fixed sail/rudder yachts.

I can recall my Bampi taking my brother and me to Brynmill Park, Swansea and sailing a similar yacht and wind-up speed boat on the boating pond so I look forward to doing the same with my grandsons Finley and Charlie the next time we visit Leamington Spa.

I spent the afternoon both cleaning them and re-tying the sails and masts before testing each of them in the bath.

How much were they?

Just £3.00 each.


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