Thursday 25 July 2019

The Provoked Wife - Swan Theatre, RSC

On Wednesday, Sue and I went to Stratford-upon-Avon to see The Provoked Wife which was playing at The Swan Theatre. We booked it as a last-minute booking as my daughter Holly was going to to be attending the afternoon rehearsals and performance. It is an unusual and rare play, but was great fun with both humour and some very thoughtful themes. We once again stayed behind for the question and answer session. If you have the opportunity to take part in these sessions I would recommend it as they are very informative.

We made a day of it and had lunch in Stratford before meeting up with Holly and walking to the theatre which is next door to the RSC. I even managed a quick doze on the grass lawn in front of the theatre - It was very hot!

For full details of this performance see this link.

Next month we are off to Oxford to see A Midsummer Nights Dream at the 'pop up' Shakespear Rose Theatre which is at Blenheim Palace. For details see this link.


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