Thursday 5 September 2019

Miniature Leaf Cutter

Another Charity Shop find.....

Earlier this week, Sue and I visited Pershore where we enjoy walking along the river bank and feeding the ducks and swans. On our way back to the car, I visited one of the many charity shops and saw this die cutting punch of a sunflower for just £1.00.

I am well aware that there are similar cutters available from many different sources, but also at greatly increased prices.

The image above shows the punched leaves with a ruler to show the size. The image below shows the cutter alongside a punched design (I used a dark magazine cover to show the design). The final image shows the cut out in greater detail.

I can image using the punched leaves on my narrow gauge layout as well as some with my 28mm/30mm wargame miniatures. Each leaf is approximately 4mm - 5mm long.

A great find.


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