Thursday 12 September 2019

Wargames Soldiers & Strategy issue 104

Wargames Soldiers & Strategy issue 104 has a two page article written by me called Building Fort Amiel. The building is based on the lookout post built in 1876 and was originally intended as one of the articles for the Pen & Sword book Wargames Terrain & Buildings - North Africa and The Middle East (which is due for release sometime in 2020). Due to space restraints and a focus on North Africa, the article/tutorial was cut from the book.

For more information and details of how to order your own copy of the magazine - see this link.

Guy (editor) has done a great job in reproducing this article on the pages of W S & S with loads of work-in-progress photographs and small information blocks highlighting different parts or techniques of the build and painting.

I think this is one of the very best modelling article page layouts I have ever seen in W S & S and look forward to more of the same.

The final images shows the finished Fort Amiel. For more information on this historical building see this link.


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