Monday 28 October 2019

Fantasy Figures International - a new modelling magazine

Earlier today I picked up the first edition of this new model making magazine called Fantasy Figures International from my local W H Smiths. The magazine from Guideline Publications looks at first glance to be a very well put together and beautifully illustrated new addition (I have yet to read the whole magazine).

For full details and instructions on how to order your own copy see this link.

The magazine covers fantasy, Sci-Fi and historical figures in the typical full colour, glossy finish image-text-image-text format. Issue #1 has 84 pages crammed full of interesting subject matter and relevant manufacturers advertisements.

I have over the last couple on months come to question the worth and value of so many model making magazines on the newsagents shelves but in this magazine, I can see some merit. I have no hesitation in recommending it and look forward to seeing more.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, that does look interesting. £7.55 shipping on the other hand is a bit excessive, so I will have to wait and see if I can find it locally.

    (I have a similar problem with all the British wargame and modeling magazines, even locally on the shelves they are very costly)
