Monday 16 December 2019

Snowmen from Alternative Armies - part five

The snow-white areas of the snowmen was painted in layers of white with a touch of blue and then pure white glazes. I chose to add some gloss varnish to the mix for two reasons; firstly - to add some frost effect and then to aid paint flow.

It was only after taking the photo above that I realised I still had to paint the bases!

I used the same paint mix (including the gloss varnish) to paint the bases as snow covered terrain.

Even though I have a number of specialist figure holders. I still prefer to use a simple cork. Lesson learnt, "Don't waste your money on figure holders, just use the old favourites."


1 comment:

  1. Nicely done, Tony. My wife would love these.

    I have yet to upgrade to cork - still use lathes of wood, from 30 year's ago. 8)

    Keith F.
