Wednesday 22 January 2020

Lead Soldiers Haul

I am well aware that Blog posts this month have been slow.....

I have been working on a couple of commissions and finishing off a number of magazine articles for publication later this year. But this week we have had visitors. My Brother and Sister-in-Law were up from South Wales visiting Sue and her mother. As well as bringing fresh Welsh cakes and faggots from Swansea market, I received this margarine box of toy soldiers or 40mm lead soldiers. I would suggest that they are new models from traditional moulds cast in lead. Possibly Prince August.

It's quite a haul.....

They are definitely lead. Bob found them while attending an auction.

A dozen mounted Hussars.

50 advancing infantry.

50 kneeling riflemen.

5 Flag wielders or banner carriers.

18 marching drummers.

12 Trumpet or buglers.

And 6 cannon.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing with this load of old lead - over 150 models but will keep you informed should there be any developments.

Thank you Bob and Anna.


1 comment:

  1. Very nice find! I'm fairly sure these are Prince August's 40mm 18th Century range
