Wednesday 1 January 2020

Looking back on 2019

When I was growing up the big landmark was the year 2000, The Millennium and now, today sees us enter the 20 - 20's. How time flies..... I thought I'd look back at 2019 and comment on some products or purchases that I have made through the year.....

I'll start with magazines.

2019 saw the launch of a new modelling and figure painting magazine called Fantasy Figures International and so far I have picked up issue 1 and issue 2. I like the content, layout and themes in this magazine and have even thought of taking out a subscription. Maybe I'll do that this year. However if I were to pick just one magazine it would be Airfix Model World which I think has the ideal mix between aircraft, armour, figure modelling and painting. I tend to read it from cover-to-cover and enjoy most, if not all of the content and reviews. I tend to pick my magazines up on a monthly basis or as happened this year at Scale Model World, Telford where I was lucky enough to find a huge batch of second-hand mags at a very good price.

Next books.

Up until Christmas I would have said that my favourite book purchases were a couple of modelling books bought from a charity book shop in St Johns, Worcester. The first on narrow gauge railway modelling and the second featuring wargame figure painting. However as can be see in my earlier Christmas present post, I had two books for Christmas - the first from my daughter, Holly called Rices Language of Buildings by Matthew Rice and the second called Making Rural Buildings by David Wright from my Mother-in-Law which have taken joint top spot. Both are fantastic reads and books that I very much look forward to finishing.

Then Shows.

In 2019, I attended WMMS at Alumwell and Scale Model World, Telford. I still believe Alumwell to be one of the friendliest shows on the circuit and have already booked annual leave to attend this year however due to other commitments, I will not be exhibiting this time. Then Scale Model World - I had planned to miss SMW this year as I had attended for the last four or five years without missing one. However in the end and as I had the weekend off, I drove up to Telford and although I spend less time at the event than normal, I did enjoy myself. At this moment, I would not expect to attend in 2020, but this could change.

New products.

I have been experimenting with Luke's Aps or Geek Gaming Modelling Compound to build up rough ground on various terrain boards, a sort of paper-mache and filler or plaster mix that sets into very realistic rough ground or rock formations. I have also built a number of models featuring surface detailing built from the cardboard found in egg boxes. The first of these models is due to be featured in Miniature Wargames in the new year. It is an easily and readily sourced modelling material that I find very easy to use. Look out for more information in future posts.

I have also been experimenting with glazing medium. I purchased Liquitex Glazing Medium earlier this year and so far have had fun using it. I think I need more time to play with this new product before I can comment on it properly.

Magazine articles.

As noted above I have written a number of how-to modelling articles for Miniature Wargames featuring simple and practical building materials to make tough and robust wargame terrain. I'm expecting the first of these articles/tutorials to be published in the next issue of Miniature Wargames and will add details to the Blog as and when the magazine/magazines are published.

I am also continuing to write for Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy. These articles will be less frequent but will hopefully give more detailed or in-depth techniques, similar to the featured content in my books or guides. As with the Miniature Wargames articles, I will post details on the Blog as they are published.

Published books.

I am expecting the second Pen & Sword book to be published soon - Wargames Terrain and Buildings - North Africa and the Middle East will follow the same format of the earlier P&S book but feature buildings from (obviously) Africa and the Middle East. I do not have any plans for a third book but plans can change. I've enjoyed producing these two books but do find the lead times from writing them to finished results a little frustrating.

I am not planning any more self-published guides - Dampfpanzerwagon Guides as the up-front cost of publishing in the UK is too high. Once again this may change in the future. I would be interested in a wargame terrain collaboration book or various articles from a number of terrain or model builders - anyone interested in commissioning one?

Figure painting.

I would hope that I would be able to paint more miniatures than I did in 2019. I still have boxes of lead that deserves to be finished. I think it's either paint them or sell them!

I am planning on selling-off some of my scratch-built terrain (as I did in 2019) so if you are interested in owning a piece of my wargame terrain keep checking back on the Blog.

You Tube.

During 2019, I have found myself watching a number of You Tube channels particularly Lukes Aps, The Terrain Tutor and Tabletop Minions, however my favourite has been Night Shift or Scale Models by Martin Kovac. I particularly like his informal presentation manner and informative advice.

There have been times when I have thought that I should also post up You Tube tutorials, but I am much more comfortable with Blogging - after all I've been doing it for so very long.....


I am very much looking forward to the new how-to book being written by The Terrain Tutor - Terrain Essentials (published by Dave Taylor Miniatures) which is due in 2020 - I have my order in place. Good luck Mel.

Well that's it for my look-back of 2019. I hope you have enjoyed it.

Happy New Year.



  1. A very full year for you I see, looking forward to your new book. All the best for 2020 and successful gaming and painting

    French Wargame Holidays

  2. I did enjoy the retrospective and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do in 2020. Also you inspired me to buy Rice's language of buildings...thanks for the tip.
