Thursday 9 January 2020

Mortal Realms - the new part-work from GW

I picked up Issue 1 of the new Warhammer/Hachette part-work from W H Smiths yesterday called MORTAL REALMS the large card backed presentation pack contains 13 GW miniatures - 3 gold plastic Sequitors and 10 Chainrasp Horde all for just £2.99.

You also get the usual leaflets and information that is always present in these part-works giving details of what is to come and how you can save money by subscribing. There is also 12 page booklets showing how to put the miniatures together and play a simple first scenario.

I'm tempted to get issue 2 as well - but we will have to see. The first pack offers great value for money.....

For more information - see this link.


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