Tuesday 18 February 2020

Old Hot Wire Foam Cutter

Earlier this week, I posted details of two new Hot Wire Foam Cutters that I bought via e-bay, for details see this Blog post. But I thought you may want to see the home-made model that I have been using for some time.

The cutter was built from scrap strip wood, some spare nuts and bolts plus a second-hand (and very well used) Hornby train set transformer. It has done sterling work over the years that I have had it but I thought it was time I upgraded to the two newer models. My biggest criticism with this model is that it does NOT have an on-off switch. If I was to build another I would definitely add a simple switch.

I have to admit to tidying it up for this photo - I added new cable ties and re-wrapped the handle with more yellow tape. I think this is the best it has ever looked!



  1. Neat! What amperage do you recommend for the transformer and what gauge wire?

  2. "What amperage do you recommend for the transformer and what gauge wire?"

    The transformer is a Hornby Model Railway Transformer - 240 volts mains - reduced to - 16 volts. The wire is 28 AWG (which might be a bit too high/strong but works fine) - I picked the Nickel wire (nichrome) up via e-bay.

    See this link;

    I hope that this helps. In truth, it's a bit of trial and error.....


  3. UPDATE.....

    I've checked and now think it's a Scalextrix transformer not a Hornby model railway transformer.

