Monday 23 March 2020

Keep Calm

The new government guidelines have placed the UK in lock down and I for one am not that surprised. I'd been expecting it for some time. Luckily the extended family are OK and long may that remain the case. I don't work as a key worker although my daughter has volunteered to continue working as a teacher during this emergency looking after the children of key workers and although I am obviously worried for her health, I am also so proud of her.

I am already missing my grandsons but with Skype and Facetime, I'm sure we will survive.

For the last three months, I have been working on a number of gaming board commissions and models which were originally planned for SALUTE 2020. However with SALUTE cancelled I'm not sure these boards or models will be seen any time soon. Unfortunately, due to non-nondisclosure agreements, I am NOT able to give any details but as soon as I have the all clear I will be posting images and details on the Blog.

In addition I have been working on a number of magazine articles and once again with the issues surrounding Coronavirus I'm not sure when these will be published. So what is my plan now?

I'm going to be posting details of a new Flintloque regiment - expect details later this week. I just have to confirm what regiment? I'll try for weekly updates, but also look at more regular posts to keep interest.

I will also search back in my back catalogue of articles/tutorials to see if there is something I can post on the Blog. I'm sure I will be able to find something that will keep the spirits up (even if a little).

Expect more information tomorrow.

Keep Calm and Carry On Gaming


1 comment:

  1. All the best Tony, looking forward to your next project

