Wednesday 25 March 2020

New Flintloque Regiment - part one

Earlier this month I commented that I was looking to paint up yet another Flintloque regiment and was looking for inspiration. Well I've found it.....

Searching the Web I came across these two illustrations;

Half breed Orcs by Alexander Shatohin


Lowland Dwarf by Jodi Mest

I've decided that my next Flintloque inspired regiment will be a group of eight Lowland Dwarves following the illustration by Jodi. I've already started searching out some suitable donor Dwarves and will post details later this week.

Please note, I have NOT just copied the illustrations but have included these links as I do not want to infringe on any copyright.

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


1 comment:

  1. Excellent choices. I’ll look forward to how this project rolls out.
