Monday 30 March 2020

The Chapel at Rofenburg - part three

Following on from this earlier post I have covered the newspaper reinforced walls with ready-mixed filler. I used a knife shaped, clay-sculpting tool but wasn't too careful in how it was applied as there would be subsequent layers of filler and DAS modelling clay later.

With the first layer of filler fully dry, I lightly sanded the walls before adding a second and smoother layer. Once again this was sanded before DAS modelling clay was used to define the edges of the openings.

These three images show the basic chapel after two layers of filler and one of DAS.

I like to keep some irregularities in the surface texture of the walls as I feel this adds to the realism of the model and makes painting a little more interesting.

As with my earlier posts, stay safe

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


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