Tuesday 21 April 2020

The Chapel at Rofenburg - part nine

The two side windows were first drawn on to some spare card and then cut out with a new scalpel blade. The card window frames were glued in place with a sheet of green weave fitted behind. The weave was packaging material from a fresh fruit carton.

The main doors were carved from a single piece of 3mm thick plastic card. I first cut out the joins, and then textured the wood with a scalpel and some coarse sandpaper. Additional detailing was done with slivers of plastic card and plastic rod. Both the windows and the doors were glued in place with superglue and the openings further refined and detailed with DAS modelling clay laid over PVA glue.

The groundwork was further textured with fine sand applied over dilute PVA glue.

Stay safe

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


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