Wednesday 13 May 2020

Eldar Scrolls Ruined Tower

Back in late 2019 I was approached by Modiphius Entertainment to build a pair of gaming boards and a couple of resin terrain pieces, after sending and receiving a number of e-mails with various sketches and designs, I was commissioned to build two gaming boards an Eldar Scrolls Ruins board with modular walls and two towers and a Bleak Barrow Falls board as featured in the computer game.

Issue 446 of Miniature Wargames (June 2020) features details of how I built and painted the largest ruined tower from the Eldar Scrolls Ruins board while the image above shows just some of the pieces on the 1mtr x 1mtr sculpted board.

The walls and towers were built over a core of corrugated cardboard and cardboard tubes with blue foam stonework and MDF bases.

For full details of the magazine see this link.

Hopefully, more images will appear on the Modiphius web pages very soon. Stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling.


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