Sunday 3 May 2020

The Chapel at Rofenburg - part eleven

Painting of the chapel started with the roof which was undercoated or basecoated with dark grey acrylic paint. Individual tiles were picked out in lighter greys and darker browns. I find that it is best to apply the basecoat in two or three light coats and try to ensure that the paint gets into all the groves and gaps.

I tend to take more care when painting roofs as it is usually the roof that you spend most time looking down on - It you are going to lavish detail on only one part of your wargame terrain - lavish it on the roof.....

Subsequent highlights were done with a mix of grey and mid brown paints drybrushed on in layers.

The basecolours painted on earlier still show through the drybrushing and the drybrushing helps to highlight all that texture. The variation in colour also helps to give the model some 'warmth' and makes it look more natural - if I was to offer the novice one more piece of advice it would be to add lots of different colours to roofs (not just black and white or a single tone of grey) as the variation helps to make it look more natural and interesting.

The doors to the front and the windows were painted in a similar manner.

The windows were also highlighted with a blue drybrush to highlight the plastic weave.

I have been asked why I start with the dark roof and detail before painting the whitewashed walls. I regularly paint in this fashion as I think it is easier to add the whitewashed walls later than try and mask off the white while painting the roof and drybrushing it.

Don't get me wrong, I know that this technique is thought to be the wrong-way-around. But it works for me. If you have a different technique - fine, whatever works for you.

Stay safe

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


1 comment:

  1. Great looking terrain piece, Tony. Love how you detailed the roof tiles.
