Saturday 13 June 2020

Practical and Simple Wargame Terrain - part five

The French Dovecot

Yesterday, I received my latest copy of Miniature Wargames (issue 447 - July 2020) which features another of my tutorials/articles showing how I build simple wargame terrain from every-day materials. Like the earlier examples I have tried to stick to these self-imposed rules;

1 - The model should be constructed from simply sourced or everyday materials.

2 - The model should be generic and able to be used in a wide variety of different games or genres.

3 - The model should be robust enough for wargame club use.

4 - The model should be finished to a good standard and resemble the building it represents.

5 - Finally, it should fit into a 6 inch x 6 inch x 6 inch box - for easy storage.

The article can be found on pages 51, 52 and 53 - Hobby Tips, The French Dovecot. For more details, see the Warners Group site.

Here are images of the earlier tutorials all of which have been featured in Miniature Wargames.

I have eight of these tutorials already written, but am always looking for inspiration as to what other buildings or structures I could construct. If you have any suggestions, please contact me via this Blog. For now stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling



  1. Not off-the-wall, I’m afraid, but how about something that can be used in wargames covering from, say, the Middle Ages right up to the present...

    A small church / chapel in a mid-European style as might be seen in a village or at a crossroads.

    There are many church models available available, but usually they are large structures. For wargamers with a 6 x 4 table, something smaller would be much more useful and just as symbolic if a church is wanted on the table.

  2. A small church could be an option.

    Thank you for the suggestion.

