Saturday 6 June 2020

Scalextric/Gaslands - part four

The canopy was cleaned and dipped in Klear before being painted white. I brush painted the white as I could not be bothered to mask up the compound curves. The driver has been painted as a Highway Patrol officer before being slotted in place. The final piece of painting was to add a coat of Klear to the white areas before I applied the single US ARMY star to the roof.

The headlights were 'plated' with some metallic foil glued in place with contact adhesive and pressed down with a piece of polished wood.

The canopy was clipped in place (not glued) and I'm now just waiting for the new tyres before I add the motorised chassis.

Prior to taking these images, I roughly masked the cockpit canopy and splattered on some road dirt by flicking the bristles of a stiff brush which had been dipped in watered-down acrylic paint. I didn't go too heavy as I just wanted the hint of road dirt. I have also run the side of a graphite pencil along a few of the edges, to show exposed metal surfaces.

Stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


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