Tuesday 2 June 2020

Scalextric/Gaslands - part two

With all of the modifications done, it was now time to start the painting.....

I basecoated the model with Tamiya spray can plastic primer after I had washed the shell in warm, soapy water then mottled-on the white area with a sponge. I was purposely trying for a mottled or worn effect and not for a smooth all-over or new coat.

I masked off the white areas with decorators blue masking tape and sponged on the blue areas. I started with a dark blue/black base, then a second layer of just dark blue and then a highlight of dark blue/Enchanted blue to pick out the surface detail.

I touched up any areas where the paint had bled under the tape and brush highlighted the damaged areas before I started searching for suitable transfers/decals. I had scribbled some designs on scrap paper - I was not looking for a plain POLICE logo and tried LAW, DEA and finally ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms).

I used a Letraset transfer sheet of black letters (1411) for the ATF and then sealed them with Klear (Future) before painting over the letters with dark grey (to weather-in the black ATF). Finally, I once again sealed the letters with Klear which was brushed on.

I think the ATF looks great and I am already imagining the second car as a blockade runner being chased by the ATF officials. As stated in the earlier post, this has been great fun and I'm looking forward to seeing them on the renovated Scalextric track.

More to come and soon, but for now stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


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