Saturday 18 July 2020

One Mini at a Time - part sixteen

The basecoat was a mix of dark brown and black which I later 'washed' with a black/sepia wash. As usual, I have mounted the miniature onto a large cork stopper.

The flesh areas were painted over a Snakebite Leather colour base (Snakebite is an old GW colour, which I have been trying to replicate for some time - see this link), and then highlighted with both Flesh and white added to the mix. The last stage is a light wash of the old blue topped GW flesh wash and some red added to the base mix for cheeks and lips.

The trousers were built up over a Linen colour (a very useful colour to have in your armoury) with white highlights. The uniform blue was lighter blue over a dark blue base and the red scarf was Gore Red base, highlighted with Blood Red colour (I tend to use tube acrylics for my red highlights as I prefer these thicker more opaque paints).

I'll try to get more updates later this week, but for now stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


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